Successful bathroom remodels take a little planning and forethought. Undertaking the job of bathroom remodelling is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. For many homeowners, it’s a status symbol and one of the reasons as to how they can bring a personal touch to their home. The most valuable remodel projects have three important features which are to be kept in mind when considering bathroom remodeling ideas.

Bathroom renovation services

    Selecting finishes that are easy to maintain but also look clean and new not only saves you money and time but also extends the life of your remodel by looking fresh for a long time.


    One of a home’s biggest selling points today is saving energy. Due to water shortages and rising utility this is a priority for home buyers. Energy efficiency is also important and necessary from an environmental standpoint.


    All homeowners look for bright, open spaces because it gives an attractive look. And if you’re investing time and money into upgrading your bathroom, don’t let your design choices go bad or in a shadowy room. Proper lighting will showcase your bathroom remodel investment beautifully.

Not all bathroom renovations require you to spend all your cash or to rip out your walls for that matter. And, you can remodel a bathroom on a minimalist budget creating the same gorgeous finish, without having to spend much. However, keeping your bathroom clean is also of the utmost importance. Here are some cleaning hacks for your bathroom –


    Hanging out towels and mats to dry every time they are used ensures that there is no unpleasurable smell hanging over the washroom. It also helps in reducing moisture levels there. Laundering towels and mats at least once a week is a good idea to maintain hygiene, and keep your bathroom smelling fresh.


    You can always reserve a specific day in the week when you know you have sufficient time for deep cleaning the bathroom to thoroughly dust, sweep, and dry it. For example, you are unlikely to be able to clear cobwebs in the corners daily; but do it weekly. Use a long handled sponge to wipe clean the bathroom tiles; otherwise, the bathroom begins to look quite dirty after a few years.


    Alternatively, you could make a solution in a bucket of water with your preferred cleaner, and dip a sponge into it to wipe clean the bathtub, shower area, towel racks, even holders. When that is done, you can pour the rest of the solution on the floor, and use a long handled mop to wipe the bathroom floor. This serves to remove debris like towel lint, and hair from the floor.


Finding the right professional for your bathroom services has always been a tough task. You get questions like are they good, hygienic, pocket-friendly, etc?

We are here to help you with all your bathroom services. Realfix is your ultimate guide to all the property maintenance needs you require in Dubai. We are reliable and provide services of the highest quality. Get in touch with us now!