Why should I mount my TV?
TV wall mount installation has become very common over the past few years. Mounting your television set instead of placing it frees up a huge amount of floor space, that can be utilized more effectively, and make your room look larger.
It can also enhance your cinematic viewing experience, making viewing options more flexible.
If you want your TV fitted, don’t do it yourself. There are wires, cables, and parts that an untrained eye might miss, that can damage your wall and TV, both. We, at Real Fix, offer TV mounting services for a superior and hassle-free viewing experience.
Why Choose Us?
Tidy service – all your cables and extra parts tucked in neatly
Safe and professional – your TV fitting will be done by license technicians
Expert advice – our experts will help you with all your queries
Efficient – we give prompt responses and high quality services
Cost effective – our handyman services are affordable and of the best caliber